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Tõuse Inkeri (Nouse Inkeri)


The play is about Ingrians, a small group of Finns who for centuries have lived in an area of western Russia near the Finnish border, while keeping their own language, their own Lutheran Church and their old customs. Ella, togeter with her younger sister Katri, are the main characters of the play. The play begins in 1924, with the church bells chiming for Ella’s wedding. It is a happy event, but there are also some ominous signs in the air. And indeed, soon the colossal changes that communism brought to the country become visible: collectivisation of agriculture, shutting down of private businesses, and denying the people the right to their religion. And, in conjunction with that, the destruction of churches. Like so many Ingrians, Katri and Ella’s family is deported to one of the labour camps in Siberia. When the remaining few of them come back after 15 years of exile, they find their own country destroyed. Yet, by and by, with an enormous amount of work and patience, and finally thanks to Gorbatchev’s Glasnost policy, they are able to find a way to live. The final scene of the play takes place in 1990 in front of the church where Ella was married. It has now been rebuilt, and the church bells start tolling again, exactly like at the beginning of the play. (Tinfo/Sunklo)



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Miehiä 10

Naisia: 10

Yhteensä: 20

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