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The Aunt-Hill – the musical


The Aunt-Hill is a stage adaptation from Eight Cousins, or The Aunt-Hill by Louisa May Alcott, also covering the opening sections of Rose in Bloom. In the beloved story Rose Campbell (13), an orphan and heiress, tries to fit in her large family of aunts, uncles and boy cousins. Her guardian Uncle Alec helps her with his unconventional ideas of education but the best supporter to Rose is Phebe the maid (15). Rose would like to see Phebe as her sister but there are border lines not easily crossed. When the girls come back home Massachusetts after a two-year trip to Europe, they notice the boys become attracted to them. Yet, Archie’s wish to marry Phebe is shot down by his parents, and she leaves the house to become a singer, and Rose turns down Charlie because of his reckless lifestyle, choosing Mac the bookworm instead. The story is enlivened by traditional Scottish songs and dances, some of which Alcott mentions in the novels, making The Aunt-Hill a full-length musical.

There is also a stageplay version of the script available where the role of the songs is minimal.



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Miehiä 6

Naisia: 14

Yhteensä: 20

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