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Bride of Christ


’Kristuksen morsian’ is a play about the complex relationship that Christianity has with gender and sexuality. It is also a play about the difficulty of tolerance. The play takes place in the present day. Marion is about to be married to her girlfriend, but is suddenly contacted by God. Now a firm believer, Marion is suddenly convinced that she must cure herself from homosexuality. She joins a small conservative congregation, where she also finds herself a boyfriend. Marion’s mother, a Lutheran priest, cannot accept that her daughter is part of a congregation that opposes the ordination of women and homosexual relationships. Each character in the play madly searches for inner peace and justification for their own views. Finding contradictions too difficult to deal with, many adopt a way of thinking which allows for no middle ground. For them, it is easier to deal with those not conforming to their ideas by labelling and categorising them. But this type of animosity can only be upheld as long as one does not meet the other. Once this meeting takes place, there is no way to return to the old status quo. The conflict begins within a family, but does not stay there. And as with any religious war, also this one claims its victim. (Suomen Kansallisteatteri 2010).



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Miehiä 9

Naisia: 5

Yhteensä: 14

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